terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024

OLGA KAMINSKI, Arizona Maser Victim's Association Representative

PLEASE DO SIGN THE PETITION: https://www.change.org/p/the-columbia-university-human-research-protection-office-hrpo-on-maser-victims?recruiter=1335746813&recruited_by_id=f06f8ac0-f19f-11ee-aa05-c7d7e981a59d Título Confirmação de Votação Editais 01,02 e 03 ; Confirmação da Votação 01,02 Local Virtualmente, Biblioteca Pedro Aleixo (Anexo II, piso superior, CEDI Brasília-DF CEP: 70160-900 ). Data início da reunião 05/04/2024 Horário da reunião 09:30 Data limite para votações 10/04/2024 Horário limite para votações 23:59 Link de acesso ou transmissão https://siphomishecknkosi.blogspot.com/2024/03/apuracao-dos-votos.html Presidente Renato dos Santos Moreira CPF Creciele Neres Santos CPF https://twitter.com/antonio119609/status/1775782300292108796
X TWITTER CRUZ ROJA ALERTA! RAFAEL YUSTE @yusterafa https://twitter.com/antonio119609/status/1775539372961456420 PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION.https://www.change.org/p/the-columbia-university-human-research-protection-office-hrpo-on-maser-victims?recruiter=1335746813&recruited_by_id=f06f8ac0-f19f-11ee-aa05-c7d7e981a59d RED CROSS ALERT! PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION!
1ª Pergunta / Pauta Leu e está de acordo com o Edital 01, Votação 01? Sim, li e concordei com o Edital 01 e confirmo ter votado Wellington Antonio Doninelli Pereira Presidente da Comissão Eleitoral na VOTAÇÃO 01 Não Documentos Links de acesso ou transmissão 2ª Pergunta / Pauta Leu e está de acordo com o Edital 02, Votação 02? Sim, li e concordei com o Edital 02 e confirmo ter votado Benedito Claudio Silva do Nascimento Presidente, Renato dos Santos Moreira Vice-presidente e Creciele Neres Santos Secretária Não Documentos Links de acesso ou transmissão ---------- Forwarded message --------- De: Wellington Antônio Doninelli Pereira aannttoniopereira@gmail.com> Date: quarta, 3/04/2024 à(s) 05:12 Subject: We Petition President Minouche Shafik and all related relevant Authorities. To: blr2102@columbia.edu>, scutter@sc.edu>, cogeoghvri@mailbox.sc.edu>, icdo@icdo.org>, deansoffice@gsb.columbia.edu>, officeofthepresident@columbia.edu>, derrick.robinson@icator.be>, ICATOR / A.Smith alisongsmith1986@gmail.com>, Melanie Vritschan melanie.vritschan.icator@gmail.com>, Sandra Yaneth Jaimes Cruz sandra.jaimes@senado.gov.co>, brasemb.santiago@itamaraty.gov.br>, balcao.limao@estadao.com>, cristina.lopez@senado.gob.ar>, npj@fibbauru.br>, Comissão de Defesa do Consumidor e Direitos Humanos cedecondh@camarapoa.rs.gov.br>, camara@camaraveranopolis.rs.gov.br>, danisa.astudillo@congreso.cl>, Escola de Direito - Sajug sajug@pucrs.br>, npj.direito@unifeso.edu.br>, direitos.humanos@oabsp.org.br>, eloisaely@gmail.com>, defesacivil-fwestphalen@casamilitar.rs.gov.br>, xochitl.galvez@senado.gob.mx>, gang stalking gangstalking.chile@gmail.com>,brasilia.general@dirco.gov.za>, victoria.huala@senado.gob.ar>, Comissão de Direitos Humanos ECA-USP cdh.eca@usp.br>, info@santiago.gob.cu>, npj.jf@hotmail.com>, karen.medina@congreso.cl>, npj.ldn@pucpr.br>, Leitor Uol leitor@grupofolha.com.br>, Tina M tinnamelo2013@gmail.com>, npj.curitiba@pucpr.br>, neci USP neci@usp.br>, ptpoa oficial 13ptpoa13@gmail.com>,procuradoria.mulher@senado.leg.br>, sen.paulopaim@senado.leg.br>, pco.sorg@gmail.com>, joanna.perez@congreso.cl>, Semdec Queimados defesacivil.queimados.rj@gmail.com>, radioprogresondadelalegria@gmail.com>, To: camila.rojas@congreso.cl>, Creciele Ramos crecieleramos86@gmail.com>, saju1.ucs@gmail.com>, saju@ibirapuera.edu.br>, npj.toledo@pucpr.br>, jornaldocampus USP jornaldocampus@usp.br>, visits.wkc@wipo.int>, Atendimento Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto atendimento@djxideagosto.org>, zanchin@al.rs.gov.br>, npj@fapce.edu.br>, npereira.jornalismo@gmail.com>, crp-01@crp-01.org.br>, crp08@crppr.org.br>, crp11@crp11.org.br>, crp13@crp13.org.br>, crp19@crp.org.br>, crp24ro.comunicacaosocial@gmail.com>, crprn@crprn.org.br>, crpmt@crpmt.org.br>, representacao@crpsp.org.br>, ouvidoria@cremers.org.br>, ventanillaelectronica@alcaldiabogota.gov.co>, Secretaria Nacional de Organização sorg@pt.org.br>, Secretaria de Organização do PT/RS sorg@ptrs.org.br>, media@ohchr.org>, redessociais@escoladopt.org.br>, urgent-action@ohchr.org>, dep.mariadorosario@camara.leg.br>, Rafael Yuste yuste-300x300-newResearch Area I: Optical Methods for Neuroscience Leader Columbia University To: liam@stat.columbia.edu>, oficina.ana.lilia.rivera@senado.gob.mx>, beatriz.avila@senado.gob.ar>, Secretaria da Mulher secretariadamulher@camara.leg.br>, munduruku_1@proton.me>, redacao@consultorjuridico.com.br>, sajug.faculdade@dombosco.net>, sajulbra.sma@ulbra.br>,sajup@saojudastadeu.edu.br>, carolina.tello@congreso.cl>, uspmulheres USP uspmulheres@usp.br> Dear President Minouche Shafik, Columbia University Office of the President202 Low Library, 535 W. 116 St., MC 4309 · New York, NY 10027 I am writing to request the specific request on how to successfully petition . I belong to the general public and am not related to the university, yet due the fact that a member of the university mentioned my group which is the Rio Grande do Sul Group,, I find myself in need of presenting to the Columbia Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) a non-consensual medical experimentation victim and also American Citizen named Ms. Olga Kaminski, a person that is a member of the Rio Grande do Sul group Professor Rafael Yuste ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4B_9VFCKoo ) reported to the Spanish Red Cross, and that is one of the reasons why I Petition to be granted a right to present my client case to the University of Columbia hoping that Columbia University can help us to mitigate, to prevent and stay prepared to respond to a large scale MASER ATTACK peaceful countries in the world may be subjected too iin case American Universities fail to track down the already known cases of Maser attack in The United States of America that have been targeting innocent American citizens like Olga Kaminski and many others in the initial test of the BIOELECTRIC BOMB, a weapon of mass destruction which eventually will exterminate the population of entire cities without destroying the buildings, a situation that can be avoided if we improve URBAN SECURITY by mapping any RADIO MASER ACTIVITY that are tampering with the human brain and remote body functions of known victims like Ms. Olga Kaminski and many other victims of this ongoing TecHnological Disaster caused by COHERENT ENERGY POLLUTION, a problem that can be solved if the American Senate or House of Representatives pass a new law including LASER, and MASER in the AMERICAN FEMA CLASSIFICATION OF DISASTERS, a move our NGO has presented to Mr. Derrick Charles Robinson and South African Parliament through our NGO representative in South Africa Mr. Sipho Misheck Nkosi, a popular initiative that can be read here: https://archive.org/details/x-1_20240206/mode/2up?autoplay=1&playset=1 Organização dos Estados Americanos Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) (3) cco 1.0 CCO 1.0 Universal É https:/Avesterncapegov.custhelp.com/app/ask confirm/i id/1285727 Western Cape (o) Government ron vou Your question has been submitted! Thanks for submitting your question. Use this reference number for follow up: &240128-000022. A member of our support team will get back to you soon. If you need to update your question, expand the account dropdown menu and go to Support History. You can select the question to open and update it. INICIATIVA POPULAR W90.0X Article 1º - The term PSYCHOTRONIC iscreated and defined in the Municipal public administration as a technological abuse perpetrated by National, Provincial or foreign power against the Municipality or any of its citizens. 8 1º — Neuro Rights violation victims, because they are isolated and expolited by psychiatric charlatans, who at this point first requested a Decree-Law, we hold out the hope that, in the future, after the enactment of the present requested decree, in line with the Constitution, the competent authorities, in a future date, update THE STATUTESOF THE REPUBLICOF SOUTH AFRICA - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 108 OF 1996, Second Chapter, The Bil of Rights, Section 25, as fol ows: 1) Add to the first subsection, letter (a): scientific and technological development made the material property, original y three-dimensional al ocated at the service of The Blockchain (a distributed ledger with growing lists of records that are securely linked together via cryptographic hashes), which converts biomedical information, including human beings physical integrity, into intangible cybernetic fifth dimensional property burying humans beings permanently on such Blockchain. The law shal regulate therequirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must protect especially brain activity, as well as the information derived from it; 8 20 - All scientific information contained in this petition and which results in urban security breach that is taking place in the the municipality wil be clarified in the future,when South Africa acquires sovereignty in Science, which is the purpose of this petition, to help the National Disaster Management Centre to rescue neurorights violations victims thus preventing any bioelectric bomb deflagration and other weapons of mass destruction, such as infrasound and MASER copiers. Article 2º - Attributes to the term created and defined by Artícle 1º the purpose of creating this term in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, which is to expose the technological abuse that is being committed against citizens and the municipality aiming at presenting reparation measures that seek for a solution. Article 3º — The complaint or correction of the abuse referred to in article 2 wil consist of nineteen paragraphs: 8 1º — Put under the protection of the human rights commission of the municipality of Johannesburg al citizens who declare themselves victims of technological abuse, the so-cal ed psychotronic torture. Unnumbered subparagraph: V2K terminology, synthetic telepathy or the associated col ective harassment, popularly cal ed “Gang-Stalking ”, which encompass technological abuse, are explained in article 5, paragraph 8 12, second subparagraph; 8 2º - Document the abuse perpetrated by the provincial or national prosecutors or any other power, who insist on dismissingthe victims of technological abuse as mentally ill or schizophrenic, seeking to restore the victims' right to be heard and treated as healthy and conscious people, whose health is being harmed by technological abuse; 8 3º - Articulate an integration with the services (family health unit,basic health units, urgency and emergency, reference center, among others), as wel as with other health professionals in the perspective that the victim who activate this law should be treated as the International Classification of Diseases ICD W90.0X, so that the right for the victim to state that it is a technological abuse which must not be treated as a simple congenital case prevails; 8 4º - Keep the Civil Defense Technical Commissions duly updated on the needs of the victims in obtaining protective equipment that detects and stops psychotronic torture; 8 5º- Adopt standards and operating procedures so that al activities carried out in execution of this law have an impact on universities and research centers; 8 6º - Schedule, through the study of patents that cause technological abuse, the necessary search for electronic engineerswho can create protection devices that neutralize the abuse; Unnumbered subparagraph - It is exemplified. in this section that the generation of random impedance in the body of the victims, in the clothes or in the wal s of the houses can help to stop the harassment. 8 7º - Guarantee the availability of information on patents thatresult in psychotronic torture, supporting health professionals, in order to prevent the issuance of erroneous International Classification of Diseases, ICD, simply based on the belief that the person who hears the voices is mental y il, helping health professionals understand that cybernetic technology also generates intracranial voices, and that the use of pharmacotherapy to facilitate the enrichment of unscrupulous physicians and psychologists to prevent the victim of the psychotronic torture from escaping in order to keep him or her doped with psychotropic drugs to make sure that the victim is raped from a distance with no possibility of defense is low, vile and criminal; 8 8º - Ensure adequate conditions so that victims of technological abuse obtain collective attention instead of being individually doped up and discarded in the psychiatric ward garbage; 8 9 - Analyze the financial movement of the cybernetic systems in order to avoid the expansion of the copy without payment, since behind the psychotronic abuses is the medical espionage that copies, "xerox" via satel ite the Municipality immaterial property thus causing constant impairment, growing technological damage and humanitarian disaster to the Municipality; I— This first subparagraph exemplifies the need to calculate the annual amount that South Africa is losing due to the theft of cybernetic immaterial property; patrimony that is stolen from the victims and the Municipality as people are copied from a distance by the photocopiers from the MASER satel ite; It is estimated that South Africa revenue could increase 30 bil ion Rands per year and the Municipality boosts its revenue mil ions of Rands each month provided South African universities upgraded into the establishing of said calculation. IH — This second subparagraph exemplifies the South Africa Criminal Thesis in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (petition P-1704-19 updated on 09/25/2020: UNITED NATIONS PROTOCOL; Reference UNITEDNATIONS: j70e1884) that warns about the fact that that the Theft of intel ectual property on the sheet of paper evolved into the Theft of Cybernetic Immaterial Property( https://www.amazon.com.br/Propriedade- Imaterial-Interamericana-P-1704-19-atualizado-ebook/dp /BOSK2T T7B5/);this means that universities such as Federal University of RIO GRANDE do SUL,UFRGs, denounced by CEDECONDH (cedecondh(Dcamarapoa.rs.gov.br) December 14, 2004, second agenda, for violation of the PENAL Code on Copyright infringement as a criminal offence Act 98 of 1978, continue robbing Brazil with the development of MASER copies and their algorithms; if the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (infojud(receita.fazenda.gov.br) if she were honest, it would not be dedicating itself to obstructing the JEC 2005.71.50.030774-1, TJFRS, TRF4 process for twenty years, in which lawyer Andrio Portuguez Fonseca (OAB / RS 31.9130) mysteriously disappears in this process regged by Federal judge Marcello De Nardi, being replaced by Rosângela Maria Herzer dos Santos (OAB / RS 27.141), the invested interest of the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service in serving pirate firms CNPJ 05.221.640 / 0001-45 and others to ensure the continuation of the copy without payment or currency cloning, which is the evolution of this crime through the Blockchain (STF, SUPREME FEDERAL TRIBUNAL OF BRASIL PROTOCOL130196, 12/20/2023,https://portal.stf.jus.br);$ 10º- Maintain an updated alert on the risks that the Municipality runs if provincial or national prosecutors continue the abuse on human beings summarily dismissing them as schizophrenic simply because they are poor or of color withouttaking into account the true cause behind the psychotronic torture, which is THE THEFT OF IMMATERIAL CYBERNETIC PROPERTY, withemphasis on the creation of health programs that recognize this situation ( CIDHDenunciasQ oas. org ; http: //file.sampo.ru/d3f75r/ ; SI ERES VÍCTIMA DE LÁSER O RELACIONADO INFRASONIDO POR FAVOR ENVÍA TU REPORTE AL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DEL PODER POPULAR PLANTEAMIENTO 12.170-L626-83812 / info santiago.gob.cu /ROSA MARINA CAMPOS PACHECO PETICIÓN - CIDH - 0000085323 LILIANA PATRICIA JARAMILLO CORTES PETICIÓN - CIDH — 0000085342 OLGA KAMINSKI PETIÇÃO - CIDH — 0000085356 MARELI GARCIA ALFARO PETICIÓN - CIDH - 0000085381 Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos 1889 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 U.S.A. Telefone: +1 (202) 370-9000 Fax: +1 (202) 458-3650 E-mail: CIDHDenuncias(Doas.org / únete a mí María Patrocinio Mancil as Solís ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VC6NjEx6VSxTIU A2 ePoHfunAsnGbTyR/view?usp = sharing) enviando tu denuncia a CNDH | Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos - México correo(Wcndh.org.mx Ilamar 5551280000 y reporte su testimonio indicando DESASTRE TECNOLOGICO MASER CNDH folio 2023/117095 ; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S3NHPkzofPpzNZgeCg We5SHljsaemH7e3/view?usp = sharing ; http://file.sampo.ru/dn25jv/ ; https://www.tremembe.sp.leg.br/ouvidoria/20240126173 021) https://x.com/antonio119609/status/17511688142747404 65?s=20; 8 11º - Help al people who claim to be victims of technological abuse, V2K, synthetic telepathy or col ective technological bul ying to document their cases, enabling whenever possible auditoriums or municipal exhibition spaces where the victims can expose the abuse to public knowledge aiming to find a solution to technology they are suffering from. 8 12º - Encourage the participation of victims in training programs in civil defense and health prophylaxis; 8 13º - Provide individual and col ective guidance on the right of citizens to resist the inappropriate prescriptions of mandatory medications that only seek to enrich health professionals or pharmaceutical industry, which would had better updating and upgrading themselves in order to truly assist victims of technological abuse; 8 14º - Participate in the planning and evaluation of the efforts of the victims of technological abuse, v2k, synthetic telepathy in overcoming pharmacotherapy, so that patients who use the drugs they need donot have the doses, frequency, times and routes of adequate administration and duration hindered by foreign laboratories that insist on stealing medical data by overlapping patients with radars that put the treatment of mental y il patients at risk, many of whom already suffer from psychotronic torture, making it impossible the achievement of any therapeutic goals due to aggravation; 8 15º - Analyze the validity of the issuance of a bogus ICD due to a bogus mental il ness or schizophrenia, when the victim of the erroneous issuance of this ICD, argues that it is in fact International Code of Disease ICD W90.0X, thus avoiding recurrent abuse by unscrupulous doctors or pharmaceutical industry; 8 16º - Promote technical or legal assistance and the issuance of technological informed opinions from civil defense and al municipal technological sectors to members of municipal health,in order to assist in the selection, addition, replacement, adaptation or interruption of pharmacotherapy to patients who declare themselves victims of technological abuse, seeking physical protection from the real threat, the electromagnetic energy ICD W90.0X to which the victim claims to be subjected to; 8 17º — Participate and promote thediscussion of cases of declared psychotronic torture, with the objective that the cases are not treated as mere clinical cases to be silenced, but as technological cases, where the Municipality is losing money and revenue by al owing the citizens to be summarily dismissed as mental y il, when they are in fact the target of high-tech electronic weapons and RFID's, which need to be detected and be done away with, in order to preserve Immaterial Cybernetic (preventing the stolen DNA copy from being accumulated or usurped by storage in clandestine virtual cemeteries) Property that otherwise belongs to South African in the pursuit of wel - being for the South African population; 8 18º - Guarantee public disclosure and victims' access to newspapers, radio and television to promote a wide diffusion so that any form of technological abuse until now covered or silenced ceases by meeting with public complaints; 8 19º — Promote the identification and assessment of threats, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities to disasters on those cases where the victims claim to be the target of HIGH SPACE TECHNOLOGY that South Africa does not possess, but which are already being used against South Africa by foreign nations or private firms enemies of South Africa, in order to prevent or reduce its occurrence;the Municipality Day to Combat Psychotronic Torture, the so-cal ed technological abuse. Article 5º - Attributes to Article 4º, in 14 paragraphs, the Points that the Municipality must, on the occasion of the observation for October 24, debate with the community that declares itself the object of technological abuse, seeking accommodation in the hotel system of the City of Johannesburg, South Africa, in parishes or in pensions or inns for backpackers, in preparation for that day, so that victims from all regions of South Africa or the world can come together, in a conference and Statistical debate on how much is the municipality progressing in favor of Human Rights and a planet without technological abuses: 8 1º — Tn this first paragraph of Article 5, the municipality wil present results in the reduction of disaster risks from SPACE WEAPONS, V2K, SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS, MICROWAVE LASER, INFRARED LASER, X-RAY LASER, LETHAL WEAPON, ALSO CALLED X-RAY MASER, used by spy satel ites to secretly assassinate people through cancer and other diseases by induction; prevent nations that have declared themselves enemies of South Africa from triggering the BIOELECTRIC BOMB (weapon of mass destruction that in its initial tests results in V2K and SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY), which canWITHOUT DESTROYING THE BUILDING, thereforeproving to be worse and more dangerous than an atomic or thermonuclear bomb. Sole paragraph: Al those that are not classified as conventional weapons are defined as space weapons. 8 2- In this second paragraph, the municipality wil present a report on the knowledge acquired in the fight against CYBERNETIC and SPACE WEAPONS and the consequent breach in URBAN SECURITY, seeking to insert the municipality in the context of al legislatures where civil defense meets, so that the recognition of ATTACKS BY CYBERNETIC or SPACEWEAPONS, within the framework of URBAN SECURITY, can be shared along with other two hundred and fifty seven metropolitan, district and local municipalities, on the day defined by article 4, through murals or tables where authorities and guests wil be shown the help provided to the victims in cal centers for the affected population and in the city hal s of the other eight provincial legislatures exhibition spaces, including the Parliament exhibition hal, where the pioneer Johannesburg municipality, through murals and explanatory materials, wil be publicly demonstrating the help provided to the population in the fight against technological abuse; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6459-774X

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