segunda-feira, 7 de agosto de 2023

Horacio Antonio Correa Arechavala from Chile speaking with Antonio Pereira, Civil Defense consultant

Horacio Antonio Correa Arechavala from Chile speaking with Antonio Pereira, Civil Defense consultant from Brazil -- What is the possibility that it be in Spanish? I don't understand it or in English maybe? I read the text of the neuro rights law and related laws, many are yet to be passed, and you know what I think? Hello good morning tell me what is your opinion? Just tomorrow I have a meeting with a former senator from Chile's replica. Any observations are welcome. I am carrying out the proposal to change the constitution and I will explain where I think the Brazilian constitution needs to be changed compared to Chile's. That is excellent! sounds really good ! Chile's neurorights law has shortcomings, things to improve, if you can tell me about some improvements to the law, I can incorporate them in tomorrow's meeting Chile modified the article that is the right to life, I added the impact of technology on life, do you agree? mainly from the technology of neurotechnology I absolutely agree I published "list of crimes" on the website where I classify the types of crimes in 4 groups the truth is 5 groups, but I have not published the type 5 crimes where the crimes 3 and 4, are technological crimes technological violence towards the population Technological Public Violence that has different phases Technological Public Violence - Phase I, what are weapons attacks DEWś Technological Public Violence – Phase II what is mind control and domination Technological Public Violence – Phase III - which corresponds to the cloning of "Brain signature" and then its trafficking "Brain signature trafficking" Do you have the draft? I had to restart the computer ok What do you think of that classification of crimes? The right to life, in this added text, does not define where life is affected, it does not explain what is taken from life. Ok, you are only talking about the impact of technology on the life of the human being. The alteration of the constitution was redundant, it was necessary to explain the mathematics of the method used to steal 1,800,000,000 pesos per month from each Chilean. how is that ? .. I don't know there, how to steal money monthly? Yes, can you explain it to me? please Ok Your brain is a processor, first premise ok Your brain will be connected in a network of brains, by implant or reverse radar, second premise It is mostly by "unique EMF brainwave print" implants are not necessary anymore ok The network will convert your brain in a NODE like cryptocurrency nodes, and stolen information will be stored on BLOCKCHAIN, all current medical information is on blockchain, IBM COMPANY has STELLAR cryptocurrency and everything that goes through IBM chip stays on this chain of very interesting blocks! There is no neuroscience without blockchain because information outside of the blockchain cannot be confirmed, therefore there would be no current neuroscience without blockchain, bitcoin is an example of blockchain, fourth premise ok The set of hacked brains is on a chain of blocks and the brain validates the medical information just like the processor does when mining bitcoin, it's the same, sixth premise ok The perpetrators receive money through the cryptocurrency network of decentralized way, the more brains connected, the higher the validation of the neural data, the more money the perpetrators earn, but each connected victim generates 1,800,000 Chilean pesos 2,000,000 dollars for the blockchain person per month This last part I don't understand well Who pays the perpetrators? Human life is stolen from its material property, But how is this theft of mental and even physical health permanently stored within the blockchain? This is done through the conversion of three-dimensional material property into cybernetic immaterial property that is stored in the FIFTH DIMENSION, the blockchain is, by definition, a CUBE IN THE FIFTH DIMENSION, and I am proposing this formula to the Brazilian legislators which is included in an article of the Brazilian constitution which is the FIFTH, which I will send you next. I do not understand this last part, who pays the perpetrators? The perpetrator is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, it is an artificial brain, IT EARNS BY ITS EXPANSION, the more it expands, the more brains it connects, the more data is validated in the chain of blocks, generating PASSIVE MONEY the passive income of cryptocurrency, That is why bitcoin left 10 cents and today it is at 30,000 thousand dollars, the perpetrators are all users of the cryptocurrency network. how interesting ! Will you send me the "Fifth premise" that is missing? Incredible sorry, the fifth premise, what is it? For example, IBM does not stop making money, and its blockchain grows more and more and is already in the FIFTH DIMENSION, the data in your brain generates money when it is stored in the FIFTH DIMENSION, and the company, when more brains have VALIDATING THE NETWORK, but money generates, your brain is a passive processor validating the network, you do not earn anything, but the network earns 2000 US per person per month What is the fifth dimension? The fifth dimension is the blockchain where all the information of the universe fits permanently that cannot be altered. It is advanced technology that I am not going to explain to you and I know because I am a scientist but no one is going to explain to you what it is to the fifth dimension if I speak to you A scientist working for IBM I understand neuroscience wants to store all the information of the universe, it is possible not to blockchai because it is a space in the FIFTH DIMENSION it is a mathematical concept your subject has to go to a university to learn mathematics, study eh how to multiply divide I understand eh how to write if a person is illiterate acha impossible to write but she goes to school and starts to write and sees that it is easy Sorry, I wrote in Portuguese. No problem, I translated it. One question. Returning to the subject, I will present the bill that I proposed to Brazil as a scientist. Spectacular Antonio, very good, but before putting where I propose the change in the constitution, I ask you if you know how to locate the article in the Chilean constitution which says: every Chilean citizen has the right to property One question, how do you calculate 2000 US per month per person? I review it and I answer you yes, each person generates this in the blockchain for blockchain, every month and the money goes to IBM and the shareholders of the blockchain because the human being does not know what the FIFTH DIMENSION is, I did not explain it to him After find the article in the constitution of Chile that guarantees the right to property, I will continue with the explanation of the change that I propose in the constitution of Brazil, in Chile the article that talks about the right to life was changed, however the mathematics were missing. Of course they are missing Thank you! I review it Thus, numeral 23 of article 19 of the current Chilean Constitution enshrined the "right to private property" ok article 19 of the Chilean Constitution 24º.- The right to property in its various kinds over all kinds of tangible goods or incorporeal. This is the Article that we are going to change in Brazil, because life is a property that can be stolen Fantastic Antonio 1º.- The right to life and to the physical and mental integrity of the person. The law protects the life of the unborn. The death penalty may only be established for a crime contemplated in a law approved with a qualified quorum. The application of any illegitimate coercion is prohibited. Scientific and technological development will be at the service of people and will be carried out with respect for life and physical and mental integrity. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, having to protect especially the brain activity, as well as the information coming from it; Of course, yes. That is the change proposal for the Chilean law? It seems very good to me Scientific and technological development will be at the service of people and will be carried out with respect for life and physical and mental integrity. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, having to protect especially the brain activity, as well as the information coming from it; this has to go in article 24º.- but otherwise that explains how the citizen is robbed of course If I had to change the constitution of Chile I would put the change in article 19, paragraph 24 this in Brazil corresponds to article 5, paragraph 22 fantastic, excellent. I am going to review those articles to propose the change tomorrow. I understand, I will put it in Spanish as it would look like. In Chile we are in a key process to change the constitution of Chiñena. Excellent Antonio! they did it well, so much so that now in Brazil we are creating our neurological rights law based on the law created in Chile sorry Antonio, I never asked you, you are a scientist, specialized in what area? The only Brazilian scientist who knows that the blockchain is the fifth dimension is me, others know, but they do not explain and they are not interested in legislating, they are already stealing 2,000 thousand from each exploited citizen Thank you! Tomorrow's meeting that I will hold is precisely with the creator of the Neurorights law in Chile With former senator Guido Girardi "Unique article.- Modify number 1 of article 19 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, as follows: 1) Replace it in the current paragraph end, the semicolon for a full stop. 2) Add the following final, new paragraph: "Scientific and technological development will be at the service of people and will be carried out with respect for life and physical and mental integrity . The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, having to protect especially the brain activity, as well as the information coming from it;". perfect seems excellent to me, the proposal for modification Brazilian Law Amend number 24 of article 19 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, as follows: 1) Replace, in the current final paragraph, the semicolon by a semicolon apart. 2) Add the following final, new paragraph: ok "Scientific and technological development has meant that material heritage, originally three-dimensional, has been put at the service of the chain of blocks (Blockchain), which converts the biomedical information of the human being, including their physical integrity, into fifth-dimensional intangible cybernetic heritage. , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it”. it has an error error which one? “Scientific and technological development has meant that material heritage, originally three-dimensional, has been placed at the service of the chain of blocks (Blockchain), which converts the biomedical information of the human being, including its physical integrity, into fifth-class intangible cybernetic heritage. dimension. , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it. intangible intangible cybernetic heritage of the fifth dimension, which is the scientific language that they will be using in the year 2030, but if you study mathematics you can use it today, having to protect especially brain activity, as well as the information derived from it": "The intangible cybernetic heritage of fifth dimension "clear Brazilian version of the Chilean Law Amend number 24 of article 19 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, as follows: 1) Replace, in the current final paragraph, the semicolon by a semicolon . 2) Add the following final, new paragraph: Scientific and technological development has meant that material heritage, originally three-dimensional, has been placed at the service of the chain of blocks (Blockchain), that converts the biomedical information of the human being, including his physical integrity, into fifth-dimensional intangible cybernetic heritage. , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it”. ok There it is corrected incorporated in the correct paragraph Very interesting Antonio Tomorrow is a great opportunity for us to be able to present this Brazilian version of LAW NUM. Chilean 21,383 Modify number 24 of article 19 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, as follows: 1) Replace, in the current final paragraph, the semicolon by a semicolon. 2) Add the following final, new paragraph: Scientific and technological development has meant that material heritage, originally three-dimensional, has been placed at the service of the chain of blocks (Blockchain), which converts biomedical information on human beings, including their physical integrity, into fifth-dimensional intangible cybernetic heritage . , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it. in fifth-dimensional intangible cybernetic heritage. , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it. in fifth-dimensional intangible cybernetic heritage. , burying human beings permanently in said chain of blocks. The law will regulate the requirements, conditions and restrictions for its use in people, and must especially protect brain activity, as well as the information derived from it.

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